Monday, March 23, 2020

How to Find a Qualified Law Tutor in the City of Leeds

How to Find a Qualified Law Tutor in the City of Leeds Law Tutors in Leeds ChaptersWhy Hire a Law Tutor During Legal Studies?Where to Find Law Tutors in the City of Leeds?Helpful Tips from the Best Law Tutors“In order to do something you have never done, you have to be someone you have never been.   You have to go through dirt to get to gold.   If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I would spent 6 sharpening my axe.   If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me.   What am I willing to sacrifice for what I want to become?   To respond is positive, to react is negative.   People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.” -Dale CarnegieHaving fun while learning and studying may sound like a foreign concept for the majority of people. Individuals would much rather watch television, play video games or go for a hike than study for an exam, write a report or read about jurisdiction.Nevertheless, what if I told you that studying for law school could be fun?  You might not believe me at first but it is possible. Knowing how to study can make you lo ve what you are learning. If you love your legal studies you will undoubtedly succeed. Law tutors are experts in the legal field and the practical counsel they offer can change the way you view a subject.Hiring a law tutor may blow your very tight student budget but the results of tutoring may send you to the top of your class.A little money now is worth it because, who knows, maybe in the future you will be employed at one of the top law firms in the country as a result of your good grades during law school.Superprof  is here to introduce Loiner's to the benefits of hiring a private law tutor and where they can find one in their city (and everywhere else in the UK).

Friday, March 6, 2020

The 5 Easiest Instruments Perfect for Adult Learners

The 5 Easiest Instruments Perfect for Adult Learners Sign up successful For one, adults are much more independent and self-motivated than a child being forced to take music lessons. With the right help, guidance, and motivation, any adult can excel at playing a musical instrument. If youre not sure where to start, here are five of the easiest instruments for adults to learn. The Easiest Instruments for Adults 1. Ukulele Inexpensive to buy and super fun to play, the ukulele is one of the easiest instruments to learn. With  just four  nylon strings (instead of the guitar’s six), you can quickly pick up simple chords and play some of your favorite songs in just a few weeks. Youll also be able to gain many fundamental skills that make it easier if you ever want to graduate from the ukulele to the guitar. 2. Harmonica Be it blues, jazz, rock, folk, or country music, the harmonica (also known as the Blues Harp) is a great choice for adult beginners. You dont need to know a lot in order to start playing and it has a big advantage that any note will be “in key” it’s hard to sound bad on harmonica! Plus, harmonicas are very portable  you can carry and practice it anywhere and any time. 3. Bongos If youre a fan of salsa, the bongos might be your calling. Bongos originated in Cuba and consist of two conjoined drums. It’s a simpler option than a full drum kit but can provide the same satisfying percussive experience. From there, you can move on to other types of drums and percussion instruments easily! 4. Piano The piano may seem complicated after all, you need to learn to coordinate both hands at once but it’s actually one of the easiest instruments to learn for adults. Because the notes are all laid out in front of you, it’s easier to understand than many other instruments. And although you can play wrong notes, you can’t ever play out of tune the way you can with other instruments. Moreover, due to its popularity, youll have no shortage of useful learning materials when you choose piano as your instrument! 5. Glockenspiel You might recognize the glockenspiel (pronounced “glock-ench-peel”) from your elementary school music classes or if you were ever enrolled in a Kindermusik class. It looks a lot like a smaller version of a xylophone, but instead of having wooden bars, its bars are made of metal, producing a bright and cheery sound. The glockenspiel is  a great way for you to get in touch with your inner child and your inner musician. Which Instrument Will You Choose? Learning how to play a musical instrument as an adult isnt as intimidating as it sounds. There are dozens of instruments out there that are simple and easy to get started with. And while the  options listed above  may be some of the easiest instruments to learn, there’s no need to limit yourself! Whatever instrument you choose, excelling at music will eventually feel easy and natural, just as long as youre genuinely engaged in your lessons and have a dedicated teacher who will nurture your inner musicality along the way. Need help finding a teacher near you, or online? Check out the music teachers at TakeLessons and start becoming the musician youve always dreamed of being! Guest Author: Christopher Sutton is the founder of Easy Ear Training and Musical U, where musicians can discover and develop their natural musicality. Born and raised in London, England, he lives with his wife, daughter, and far too many instruments. Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How online tutoring helps students for diverse subjects such as English and Chemistry

How online tutoring helps students for diverse subjects such as English and Chemistry 0SHARESShare Online tutoring is becoming a trend of this era of internet. This is widely acceptable by diverse students for diverse subjects and naming a few are English and Chemistry. Students who have a keen to learn find innumerable ways to learn. One such way gave rise to online tutoring and thus online tutors. Online tutoring It creates a virtual environment for the teachers and the seekers to learn. Transcend the boundaries of space and time. An economical mode of learning. Focuses on peer’s enriched learning and achieving independent goals to ascertain self reflection. Also provides group learning and scaffolding. Students can opt from varied type of courses: long term course, short term course or customized course. It acts as a platform for interactions, bring various discussions and suggestions. Also helps in unlimited revision. Online English Tutoring English language is most widely used language and is considered as a first spoken language. Learners from varied countries come together online for English tutorials. This also helps the learners to participate in different exercises to evaluate their performances. Learners from diversified cultures also come to learn different cultures, their living style and the intricacies of the English language during discussions on this platform. Online Chemistry Tutoring Chemistry is a dreaded subject for many students. Students now may take guidance of well qualified online tutors. It is open to discussions and different exercises and concepts to be cleared. It is to the awe how emergence of internet and online tutors help students for diverse subjects’ enriched learning. [starbox id=admin]

Should I Go To Brigham Young University

Should I Go To Brigham Young University The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Rebekah is a Washington D.C. tutor specializing in ISEE prep tutoring, Essay Editing tutoring, Pre-Algebra tutoring, and more. She holds a Bachelors degree in Communications from Brigham Young University. Check out her review of her alma mater: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Rebekah: I attended Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. It is located in the heart of Provo which is a bigger town, but the university is what drives its economy. Getting around Provo is extremely easy for students. Students have to live within a mile radius of campus, so walking to school is always an option; however, the bus system is reliable and free for students. Many students survive without a bike or car at the school. VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Rebekah: One thing I loved about attending BYU was the availability of the professors. They all have office hours and love meeting with students to help them with any questions or concerns. There are extremely large general classes with upwards of 1,000 students in them, so those professors might be more difficult to get in touch with; however, those classes have several teaching assistants who are available to help as well. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Rebekah: There are two different options for on-campus housing: housing with kitchens and housing without. The school is in the middle of rebuilding the kitchen dorms (Heritage Halls), so they are brand new buildings with more room and upgraded features. The other dorms were recently rebuilt or remodeled as well. Dorm life is awesome if you are a freshman. The majority of students living in the dorms are freshman who love life, stay up late, and enjoy their new college adventure. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Rebekah: BYUs Business School is highly ranked, especially its Accounting program. It also has a well-known and respected Engineering program. Although, you really cant go wrong with the major you choose. All of the majors are well-respected, and the school as a whole is well-known and highly favored in every field. I studied Communications with an emphasis in Public Relations. It was a great experience with hands-on, real-life application as well as fantastic support from all professors involved. As a general rule, each major has some sort of internship and/or capstone project which gives students a flavor of what life will be like after school. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Rebekah: Meeting people at BYU is extremely easy. As I mentioned previously, nearly all freshmen live in the dorms and dorms basically force you to meet people since you share common areas. Also, BYU is predominately attended by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which means most of the students attend church with each other. Through church and church activities, it makes meeting others even easier. Business Insider recently ranked BYU #1 for a university where students are both hot and smart, and as part of the description of the university, it stated everyone is very friendly, and it's not uncommon to strike up a conversation with a perfect stranger. BYU has a strict honor code which deters Greek life, so it definitely does not play a significant role in the social life there. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Rebekah: Students can set up an appointment with the Career Center at any time. It is well staffed and helpful for all students, even those who need guidance as to which career would best suit them. Every year, they have several career fairs bringing in companies from all over the country, including General Mills, various school districts, top accounting and consulting firms, as well as others. Basically, each college at the university has its own career fair at some point throughout the year. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Rebekah: BYU has one of the best libraries in the country. While I was at BYU, it was consistently ranked #1 in the nation. It has everything a student needs, including ample study areas, rooms, and computers. All dorms have lounges, but I imagine they can be noisy, so most students prefer to study at the library or in their bedrooms. There are also plenty of study areas in every building on campus. Students tend to find their study space they like to frequent. VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Rebekah: Provo basically caters to BYU since it is the economic center of Provo. Provo is located at the base of the Wasatch mountains, so there is plenty of outdoor fun to be had: hiking, biking, camping, fishing, boating, etc. Students also often take advantage of the great variety of restaurants and shopping in the area. There is always something to do in Provo whether its attending an event on campus, a local party, or going out on the town. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Rebekah: There are close to 29,000 undergrad students who attend BYU. General classes tend to be huge, but some sections offered are on the smaller side. Regardless of the class size, the university staffs the class with adequate TA numbers and extra support so students can always reach some type of expert to help them with the subject matter. As students get into their major specific courses, class sizes greatly shrink. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Rebekah: I absolutely loved my experience at BYU and hope to send my own children there. I cant pinpoint one memorable experience because I had so many. Honestly, the majority of the professors I had were fantastic, well-spoken, and passionate about the subject matter. Professors literally moved me to tears because of their passion, and I loved that. It is a fantastic school in every aspect. Check out Rebekahs tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

What Is Your Opinion On......

What Is Your Opinion On...... Giving Your Opinion In English Giving Your Opinion In EnglishGiving your opinion in English and any language is important. You can give an opinion on the taste of a sandwich, the color of someones hair or why you think that a person should be the next president of your country.One of the most controversial environmental topics recently has been about poaching. Poaching is when people illegally hunt or catch animals such as rhinos and elephants. This is often done because the animal has something valuable that can be sold for lots of money, like  ivory. Can you think of any other animals that are poached? Why? Let us know by writing in the  comment section so we can see how many different animals are poached around the world.Poaching can be a topic that people have very strong opinions about, which is why we are going to use it as an example for todays class. The video below will tell you a story about the African elephant, so go ahead and watch it.Listening for Opinions In EnglishThat was a difficult video to watc h. Here are some questions about the video. Can you answer the questions or fill in the blank? As always, write your comments below, and well respond!Elephants are one of the most ___________ creatures on this planet.and they are highly ___________, social beings.What is the largest land animal in your country? Can you tell us anything about this animal? Is it social or unsocial? What does it eat? Does this animal have any problems with humans, such as poaching?African elephants have been here for a million  and a half years, and now human intervention is literally changing the face of this incredible creature. In this sentence, what do you think the narrator means when she says that elephant faces have been changed by humans? Write your ideas below so we can see your interesting thoughts.Dr. Tammie Matson said that elephants are a keystone species, meaning they play a very important role in the natural environment. Can you name the two actions that elephants do in the wild that can  change the natural environment?Their ivory tusks are basically just large ____________, but for centuries theyve been used in _______, ornaments, jewelry, even _________ keys.Why do you think that the price of ivory is so high? Do you think a higher price will stop poaching or make more poaching happen?Forms Of Giving Your Opinion In EnglishNow that we have listened to the video, here are  the various ways to give, ask and summarize your opinion: Lets try and put these into practice.  Im going to ask you for your opinion on a topic. Can you write your opinion in the comment section below? Try to use an expression to state your opinion, and summarize using another one of the expressions from the table above.What do you think about poaching endangered animals such as elephants?Practice Giving Your Opinion In EnglishNow lets look at some current news topics. Below there are 3 pictures from current news events. First, think about what the picture could be about with the help of a clu e in the parenthesis  ( ), then write your opinion in the comment section below, using the expressions we looked at earlier.(United Airlines Passenger)2.(North Korean Missile)3.(Easter)Great work! Now we can make our opinion even more interesting by adding how much you agree or disagree with someone/something. Below you can see another table with expressions to show you how to reinforce your opinion.Can you think of something that you strongly agree with and something you strongly disagree with? Wed love to hear  your opinions!Now you can show people your opinions in English, which will allow you to engage in conversation about a variety of topics. We hope you enjoyed todays blog post. If you are interested in taking English classes with native English speakers, sign up today to book a trial class!

English Vocabulary for Halloween ?? - Learn English with Harry ??

English Vocabulary for Halloween ?? - Learn English with Harry ?? Autumn is here (where I am living certainly) and is commonly seen as the stepping stone (route, how to get to another place) from Summer to Winter and of course Christmas and the New  Year.When we think of Autumn our thoughts turn to Halloween and when we think of Halloween we  dream about costumes, dressing up (putting on different clothes) family games such as bobbing the  apple (explained below) and of course the tradition of trick or treating (children dressing in  costumes and calling on the neighbours offering to do a trick, tell a story or a joke in exchange for a  treat candy or sweets).   This festival (annual event of celebration) is probably the second biggest  festival after Christmas. Huge amounts of money are spent on costumes and wigs and spooky (scary) masks. The history of Halloween stretches back many centuries and is a pagan festival. The tradition originally comes from Ireland. Today in Christian world November the 1st is  known as All Saints Day (All Hallows). In pagan times it was believed  to be a time when the souls of dead people returned to earth and the day before or All Hallows Eve (now shortened to Halloween) was a night of celebration before Samhain (pronounced Sow-in) which  is a Celtic /Gaelic word. Even today in Irish Gaelic language November is still called Samhain.Pumpkins or turnips were used as lanterns (lights). The turnip or pumpkin was hollowed out and a  candle placed inside to ward off (scare away) evil spirits. Known today as Jack OLanterns they are  sold in their millions and carved out by families all over the northern hemisphere.The religious aspects are now largely ignored but the celebration continues to grow. Houses, streets  and shops are decorated with anything connected with the dark world of witches, e vil spirits and  skeletons. English Vocabulary for Halloween - Halloween Games Bobbing the apple: A family game where apples are placed in a basin (shallow bucket) with water.  The apples float in the water and you take it in turns (one after another) to try and pick up an apple  in the water with your teeth. You cannot use your hands. It is not easy and lots of water is splashed  around accompanied by much laughter.A ring in a cake: An ancient tradition was for single girls to try and find a husband. There were lots  of old superstitions concerning this practice. Elderly relatives baked a cake (a barmbrack Gaelic  cake) and buried (hid) a ring in the cake. The superstition was that whoever got the slice or piece of  cake containing the ring would get married before the next Halloween. Sometimes other items like  coins would be added which would possibly signify wealth coming to whoever got the coin. English Vocabulary for Halloween - Learn English Words stepping stone  route, how to get to another placeto dress up to put on different clothesspooky scarylantern light, light sourcebasin shallow bucketto take turns to do something one after anotherto bury to hide

TutorNerds Featured on OC Mom Blog End of the School Year Tips

TutorNerds Featured on OC Mom Blog End of the School Year Tips TutorNerds Guest Post on the Orange County Mom Blog: 4 Tips to Help your Child Concentrate Through the End of the School Year As students are wrapping up the school year, its important to make sure theyre on track to finish strong. To help with this, one of our private Orange County tutors wrote a guest post for our friends at the OC Mom Blog. It’s that time of year again, school is almost over, and students are excited to get out of the classroom and into the swing of summer. Unfortunately, this can make it harder for students to concentrate on what’s important including end-of-year testing, final exams, and final projects that will make a big difference in their overall GPA. There are lots of things kids can do to stay on track and work towards academic success for the remainder of the year. Make the most of your summer break! With our experienced Orange County tutors that work with your schedule, youll be able to catch up and get ahead on your academics all while relaxing and having fun in the sun. Call us today to book your private Orange County summer tutor from TutorNerds! Members of the TutorNerds team and our private tutors write every blog post. If you have any questions about our blog, please email us at

5 of the best ways to choose a school for your child

5 of the best ways to choose a school for your child The school you choose for your child is one of the most important decisions about their future you will ever make - particularly if you're choosing the school that will be guiding them through their GCSE exams. Selecting the right school isn't as easy as it sounds, and if you pick the wrong one it can hinder your child's education. Here are a few tips that you may like to consider when it comes to decision time: 1. Learn from your own experiences. Think back to when you were at school. What was it like? Do you want your child to go to a similar school or would you like a different experience for them? 2. Write down what your expectations from a school are then turn them into a checklist, ordered by priority. Then when you visit local schools, measure up the facilities they offer against your checklist. 3. Draw up a shortlist of two or three different schools. Consider all of their pros and cons separately, and discuss which ones will be most important to your child. For example, if there's a great school in East Sussex but your family lives in Greater London you may decide it's in your child's best interests to attend a local school even if its academic record isn't so impressive. 4. First impressions can be misleading, so try and visit your shortlisted schools more than once. Make friends with parents whose children already attend and find out as much as you can about each school. 5. Finally, ask your child which school he or she prefers. If they have come to the same decision as you, that's great. If not, consider their reasons and discus with your child which school will be best for them to attend. Always remember, the choice of school may ultimately be yours, but your child is the one who has to walk through the gates every day. Make sure they're happy with your choice.